Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014


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Since I was little, I’ve always prayed that God would protect the extraordinary man who would marry me on that someday, without knowing who  he might be. all I knew was that he was somewhere out there, experiencing life, getting to know my Maker, as I grow on the other side of the world.
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but you know what, this life is a one-way trip. you just can never go back,

top 16 items for my 22nd Party (2014)

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fashion & beauty items wished.
(Chanel sunglasses, cropped t-shirt & torn jeans by Topshop, Chanel loose powder, multi-chain necklace by Topshop, red lipstick by Dior, brown messenger bag by Shopzoe, ‘Drink Me’ necklace by Disney Couture, white club blazer by Balmain, studded bootie by Vivienne Westwood, coussin woven boots by Christian Louboutin, playing card ring by Alice in Wonderland, Chanel nail lacquer no. 50, lace-paneled dress by Stella McCartney, lace bra by Deborah Marquit, plexi stripe clutch by Harvey Nichols)
or else, I just want a pair of brown Doctor Martin’s shoes, iPod touch, and a lomo-polaroid camera.
and a fun, a bit wasted costume party.
and trip to a day spa.
and a round-trip ticket to New York andAmsterdam
and groups of beautiful and loving people surrounding me.
and above all, having the beautiful saviour by my side, 24/7.

Facing difficult times

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Tahun 2014 bisa dibilang difficult year (so-far) buat gue pribadi dan keluarga. why?

Januari : everything was running well, until january, 15th mama ku jatuh ditabrak anjing (what?) sounds weird yep it was. dia jatuh dan tangannya terkilir, jadi mesti pake gips beberapa minggu.

Februari :CRAZY MONTH INDEED ! why? why? tanggal 5 februari mama secara mendadak drop, dan sempat ngga sadar terbaring ditempat di tidur 6 hari, sampai akhirnya tanggal 11 februari dibawah ke rumah sakit buat perawatan, you know what? SHE GOT STROKE!!!! shocking, nggak percaya dan bikin lemas pokoknya i felt shaking inside waktu itu. jadi akhirnya mama di rawat di RS selama 3 minggu, gue dan pop tidur setiap hari dirumah sakit, tenyata memang ada efek dari jatuhnya  mama bulan lalu. I prayed everynight and cry behind closed door EVERYDAY!!! i missed her smile, stupid-funny joke etc. dan the saddest part was dia nggak bisa jalan karena saraf bagian kirinya mati khususnya bagian kaki.

Maret :it was running well, mama di kursi roda, dan sebagai only one child guelah yang melayani mama pagi-malam. GOD HELP ME GETTING THRU ALL THIS!!!!!

April : mulai terbiasa dengan keadaan mama, mulai biasa ngurusin diet menu, dan obat-obatan mama.

May : today was the end of may, make the most of it. baru nyampe di rumah, maskeran. dont know what to do on this saturday night

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