Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013

The way I deal with people who underestimate my abilities

I have noticed that throughout my entire life, people have been underestimating me.I have felt like giving up. People rarely give me a chance, and I feel as though I will never amount to anything and my talents will go to waste because people will never willingly give me the opportunity to publicly achieve anything. SAD!
I am 21 years old, and I fear that my life will be one major failure if I don’t destroy this issue and take control now. But now, I would probably just ignore the fact what they think about me, even they think that they are better in some way, i would show them exactly just how intelligent i could be, then they would find out for themselves. These kind of people are not worth arguing with, just let them think what they want to think, as long as we ourselves know the truth. success is the best revenge!


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