Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

They're happy

Cinta itu aneh disisi lain ada pihak yang begitu bahagia bersama dipihak lain ada yang merasa sakit dan terluka. Semestinya jika orang itu bahagia dengan pilihannya kita pun mesti berbahagia. I've been thru this. I love this guy soooooooo bad. Parah ya. Hehehe. Idk he knows that or no. Thats hurt anyways, hihihi. Time flies. He has a gf now. Ngga sengaja lihat twitter. Man, it shaking me. Really. Selalu mikir dan mikir why it didnt work out with me.. I feel like arrrghhh why? Why god? Am i not good enough ? Seriously i feel so bad. Tapi kenapa nggak worked out???
Im not crying. No! I dont want. Aku mikir gini kalau seseorang itu tepat utk kita it's just somehow will work itself out. Kalau toh dia pilih yang lain bukan kita. Guess? Who doesnt deserve who?
Ive been cried enough in these past 2 years.. Gilaaaaa.... Cukup bingits. Real man will not forget his promises. Never!
I saw them through their pic they're happy together. What else? Menangisi nasibku? Hehe

Keep moving forward. ngga gampang. tapi.. Tuhan sediakan yang lebih baik dan sepadan.

Tuhan... cepatlah pertemukanku dengan dia <3

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