tapi masih belum bisa tidur, iseng-iseng buka info lowongan kerja di internet, mulai baca-baca requirtments-nya hehe. dan barusan bikin akun di Bank BNI. karena aku baca di req nya mereka juga looking for FISHERY graduated,apalagi yang fresh graduate, anyways aku memang belum wisuda, tapi aku mulai memikirkan masa depan, dimana aku bekerja nanti. aku baca tulisan seseorang di blog, yang adalah lulusan fak. arsitektur yang berhasil kerja bankBNI dan ikutan program ODP, di jakarta!aaaaakkk.... maauuu, aku tahu tesnya ga mudah, saingan berat. tapi aku yakin, Tuhan yesus sudah menyediakan yang terbaik buat masa depanku, tugasku sekarang, SELESAIKAN SKRIPSI, WISUDA TAHUN INI JUGA, bikin seneng mama dan papa :)
aku ingat ayat ini, hehehe barusan nyari di google
" Karena masa depan sungguh ada,dan harapanmu tidak akan hilang" -
Amsal 23:18.
As our bank continues to grow, we need more talented employees to
become our future leaders. We need fresh, creative, skillful, and
adventurous individuals who will lead and manage the bank’s
transformation to achieve its mission in the future.
Requirements :
- Bachelor or Master degree from a reputable university (local/overseas) majoring in Economics, Business, Engineering, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Agriculture, Fishery, Forestry, Plantation, Animal Husbandry, Law and Business Adimistration.
- Min GPA :
- Bachelor Degree : 2.75 PTN/ 3.00 PTS from scale of 4
- Master Degree : 3.25 (PTN/PTS) from scale of 4
- Good Command of English both in spoken and written, and familiar with Microsoft Office applications
- Bachelor Degree : 26 years
- Master Degree : 28 years
- Willing to undergo bond and to be placed in all parts of Indonesia
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