tahun ini, tahun 2014... benar-benar tahun paling crazy dalam hidupku (so far,sih!) people keep underestimating me, I know it. Even prior to meeting me, people seem to have this idea that I am talentless, utterly worthless, and unproductive with my life.
I am 22 years old, and I fear that my life will be one major failure if I don’t destroy this issue and take control now. I feel as though I have potential for amazing things. The few people who believe in me have all concluded that I am an incredibly diverse human being both mentally and creatively, but I feel as though I will die without having ever had the opportunity to share myself with the world.
I was wondering, what is it about my aura that leads people to treat me this way? Furthermore, how can I alter my behavior so that people will meet me and immediately understand that I am truly someone of passion, strength, and talent? My entire life, there has been an entire string of people who have backstabbed me and ditched me for other friends. Back in elementary school, I would always make friends with the new kids who would come to our school, and I would ALWAYS eventually be ditched by these people after they began meeting more people.
Nobody ever told me I was good at anything, and any personal progression that occured within me, I had to work at all on my own. Truthfully, I forget I have parents most of the time.
Back to the lowest point of life, here is some examples :
- when my husband cheated on me. It wasn't just the cheating I was also being tormented at work because the person he cheated on me with worked with me and the "ladies" that I worked with were all ******* of the highest caliber. So I walked out of my job. It seems like every bad thing that has happened since then is directly linked to that 3-4 month time period. amahaterita 26-30, F Apr 30, 2009
tetapi, we have to Wake up! setiap masalah datang didalam hidupku sekarang, i just can laugh it off, bukan karena hidupku sempurna, NO! tapi don't stress over something that you cant change, let it be...let it go, Let GOD!
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